We accept the love we think we deserve.

By Idnasirasira - November 14, 2023

In shadows deep, where whispers wove,
A truth profound, a tale of love.
"We accept," it said, with gentle sway,
"The love we think we're due today."

In mirrors of the soul, reflections clear,
Our worth entwined with hopes and fear.
Through self-kissed wounds and scars observed,
Love's script is writ, it's we who've penned each word.

Deserving hearts, in quiet yearn,
For love that lights, for love to learn.
Yet, choices shaped by shadows cast,
Reveal the echoes of our own self's past.

Dare we dream of love untold,
Of worth unmeasured, yet to unfold?
For in the quiet of our self-esteem,
Resides the truth of love's own scheme.

To rise above the doubts that crest,
To seek a love that feels the best.
For in our hands, the power we preserve,
"We accept the love we think we deserve."

"We accept the love we think we deserve" is a quote from Stephen Chbosky's novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." This statement reflects the idea that our self-perception and self-worth play a significant role in the kinds of relationships we allow into our lives.

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