Beneath the Surface of Silence

By Idnasirasira - August 19, 2023


In a bustling city that thrived on noise and activity, I often found myself lost in the midst of it all, surrounded by the ebb and flow of life. Maybe I'm not a good person, I'd often think to myself, my actions sometimes clashing with the empathy that simmered within me. It was as if there were two sides of me - the exterior that others saw, and the intricate tangle of emotions that remained hidden beneath.

One day, in search of solace, I boarded a train, seeking refuge from the cacophony of the city streets. As the train's rhythmic motion carried me away, I found myself immersed in the sea of faces around me. Each person seemed to carry a world of thoughts, hopes, and worries, and I couldn't help but wonder about the stories etched into their expressions.

I gazed out of the window, the passing landscape a blur as my mind wandered. In this moment, I felt a connection to the strangers around me, united by our shared humanity and the weight we all carried. The chaos of life seemed to fade away, replaced by a quiet camaraderie, an unspoken understanding that life wasn't always as it appeared.

As the journey continued, I realized how similar our struggles were, even though they remained unspoken. The masks we wore hid the battles we fought within, the fears we grappled with, and the hopes we dared to dream. The world was a tapestry of people, each thread representing a different story, a unique journey through life's challenges.

I listened to the silence of the train, the absence of words somehow conveying more than any conversation could. It was a reminder that sometimes, when words fell short, silence could offer solace. And in that silence, a bond formed, connecting us through our shared reticence.

The train took me to distant places, physically distancing me from the noise of my daily life. In that space, I found clarity and perspective. The isolation brought a sense of calm, allowing me to confront the turmoil that had been buried deep within.

I carried a message with me, a reminder to venture far and wide, to explore the corners of my own mind. Loneliness could be a guide, leading me to discover the strength that resided within me. I held onto hope, believing that after every storm, a period of tranquility would follow. Solutions waited patiently to be uncovered, like treasures hidden beneath the surface of my struggles.

The journey taught me to stand firm in the face of life's challenges, to weather the storms that would inevitably arise. It was a process of growth, a transformation into a stronger version of myself. And as the train carried me back to the city, I felt a newfound sense of purpose – to carry my burdens in silence when necessary, to acknowledge the struggles of others, and to find the beauty in our shared humanity.

"This writing is based on what I felt at that moment when I was inside the train."

Jakarta, 19 August 2023
Aris Arisandi

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